My Curriculum Vitae on MeetByLink
Your Curriculum Vitae (CV) on MeetByLink provides a comprehensive overview of your professional profile.
Basic Information
The first section of your CV displays your essential information, giving a snapshot of your professional identity.
QR Code and Digital CV Link
Your CV includes a QR code and a unique digital CV link. These features make it easy to share your CV with others.
Viewing and Downloading Your CV
There are two buttons for accessing your CV:
- View Digital CV: Click this button to view your CV in a digital format.
- Generate and Download PDF: Click this button to download a PDF version of your CV, which you can print for future use.
Keep your CV updated to reflect your latest achievements and professional information, making a strong impression on potential employers and connections.
My Curriculum Vitae Settings & Options on MeetByLink
CV Settings & Options is the second section of My Curriculum Vitae, where you can customize your CV according to your preferences.
- View Profile Picture: Toggle between Yes or No to include your profile picture on your CV. Control whether your profile picture is displayed.
- CV Format: Choose your preferred format from the available options. Select the format that best suits your style and the requirements of your audience.
- Description: Add additional details about yourself, such as your interests, skills, or achievements. Use this space to provide a brief summary that complements your professional experience.
- Interest: Share your interests to add a personal touch to your CV. Highlight hobbies or passions that showcase your personality beyond your professional qualifications.
- References 1 and 2: Enhance the credibility of your CV by providing reference details. Include contact information or endorsements from previous employers or colleagues to validate your skills and qualifications.
Please note that while some details are automatically retrieved from your profile, this section enables you to include additional information beyond your basic details, ensuring your CV is comprehensive and tailored to specific opportunities.
Digital CV
Visual Guide
The following image illustrates how your CV incorporates information from both your profile and the CV Settings & Options section. The basic information is drawn from your profile (labeled as No. 2), while additional details are updated through the CV Settings & Options (labeled as No. 1).