Crafting an Effective Digital CV on MeetByLink: What to Avoid


In today's fiercely competitive job market, a standout digital CV is your passport to securing your dream job. However, what you choose to exclude from your digital CV can be just as vital as what you include. Welcome to the world of MeetByLink, where we guide you through a comprehensive list of seven elements that should never find a place in your digital CV.


1. Personal Information: What to Include and Omit

Your digital CV should commence with essential personal details: name, address, email, and mobile number. But remember these crucial pointers:

Address: Ensure your listed address is one where you can be promptly reached. Avoid remote or frequently changing addresses; consider offering an email ID for contact.

Email IDs: Your email addresses should exude professionalism and functionality. Banish unprofessional or overly descriptive IDs like "sexysanjoo" or "chooserekha." Opt for a mature email ID featuring variations of your name.

Links: Feel free to include links to your MeetByLink profile, Skype, personal website, and portfolio if applicable. But tread carefully, avoiding links that divert readers away from your digital CV to unrelated websites.

Photographs: Only include a photograph if explicitly requested. If you opt for one, ensure it portrays you in formal attire, with a frontal view and a clear background. However, exercise caution, as some employers may make judgments based on appearances.


2. Statements of Self-Praise and Exaggeration

Resist the temptation to indulge in self-praise or embellished statements in your digital CV's objective section. Instead of emphasizing your desires, focus on what you can contribute to the prospective employer. A concise 2-4 point summary of your expertise will create a more lasting impression.


3. Explanations for Job Changes

Steer clear of providing detailed explanations for job changes directly on your digital CV. Such explanations can be subject to varying interpretations by hiring professionals. Save these discussions for interviews, where you can provide context when it's most relevant.


4. Salary Details

Disclosing your salary history or current earnings on your digital CV is a critical mistake. Companies possess diverse salary structures, and revealing this information can lead to rejection due to budget discrepancies. Reserve salary discussions for the interview stage, where negotiation and compromise are more effective.


5. References (Unless Requested)

The era of including references on your digital CV has passed. Employers understand that references can be provided upon request. Including them unnecessarily lengthens your digital CV. Wait until the employer explicitly asks for references before providing them.


6. Family Details

Personal information such as marital status, children, spouse's or parent's employment details, or religious affiliations has no place on your digital CV. Sharing such details can introduce unfair biases and discrimination into the hiring process. Employers are primarily interested in your qualifications and contributions, not your personal life.


7. Conclusion Statements

Remove any concluding statements that declare the truthfulness of your digital CV with a date and signature. Employers assume that the information you provide is accurate. A digital CV is not a legal affidavit, and such statements add unnecessary bulk.



In summary, your digital CV on MeetByLink is your ultimate tool in your job search journey. Focus on presenting your qualifications, skills, and relevant achievements. Keep it concise, professional, and customized for each application. By avoiding these seven common mistakes, you'll enhance your chances of leaving a positive impression on potential employers and bringing your dream job within reach. Welcome to the world of digital CV excellence on MeetByLink!